Simple & clean notes of fabric manufacturing for textile engineering.It almost cover important topics with their graphics chapter wise
Chapter 1. Objects of sizing
1. Objects of sizing
2. Slasher Sizing Machine
3. Measuring and marking motion
4. Fabric Manufacturing
5. Viscosity
6. Stretch and tension control
Chapter 2. Single end sizing
1. Features and application
2. Man-made Reservoirs
3. Blends
4. Continuous filaments and textured yarn.
5. Production efficiency
Chapter 3. Principles of weaving
2. Primary, Secondary an Auxiliary motions
3. Shedding , its various types and devices,
4. Normal, Early and late shedding,
Chapter 4. Pickin classification
1. Mechanism of Over and Under pick motions
2. Picking tappets
4. Beat-up sley movement
5. Sley eccentricity
6. Timing diagram of primary motions
Chapter 5. Classification of take-up motion
1. 5 and 7 wheel take-up motion
2. Negative let-off motion
3. Causes of pick spacing variation
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">Sederhana & bersih catatan kain manufaktur untuk tekstil engineering.It hampir mencakup topik penting dengan pasal grafis mereka bijaksana
Bab 1. Objek sizing
1. Objek sizing
2. Slasher Sizing Machine
3. Mengukur dan menandai gerak
4. Fabric Manufacturing
5. Viskositas
6. Peregangan dan kontrol tegangan
Bab 2. Tunggal akhir sizing
1. Fitur dan aplikasi
2. buatan Waduk
3. Blends
4. filamen berkelanjutan dan bertekstur benang.
Efisiensi 5. Produksi
Bab 3. Prinsip tenun
2. Primer, Sekunder sebuah gerakan Auxiliary
3. shedding, berbagai jenis dan perangkat tersebut,
4. Normal, Awal dan akhir shedding,
Bab 4. klasifikasi Pickin
1. Mekanisme Atas dan bawah gerakan pick
2. tappets Picking
4. Kocok-up gerakan sley
5. eksentrisitas Sley
6. Diagram Waktu gerakan utama
Bab 5. Klasifikasi gerak take-up
1. 5 dan 7 roda gerak take-up
2. Negatif gerak membiarkan-off
3. Penyebab variasi pick spasi</div> <div class="show-more-end">